Teams start to arrive. On arrival please park where directed and book in at event control in the main building with the Admin Team. All members of the Team must attend this to get their wristbands.
All adult volunteers (over 18s) must also check-in with the Admin Team as we must know exactly who is on site.
Map Control Open – All teams must attend Map Control on Friday night.
After check in, all members of the team will need to go to map control and have their maps/route cards checked and signed off. Please do this as soon as possible.
Note: No leaders are permitted in Map Control.
Young Person Briefing
All young people, from all Teams, need to congregate in the barn at this time.
Leader Briefing
Meeting for all leaders giving a final update for the event.
Food will be available for leaders during the meeting. Bring a drink to wash it down.
Breakfast served for staff and leaders who request (and pay for it!).
Sweep Teams and 4 x 4 Response Teams to collect radios from HSCT.
Checkpoint Teams to collect radios from HSCT and Checkpoint kit from Checkpoint Manager.
Kit check starts for all Teams, in a first come first served order.
(once a team enters kit check they will continue to the start)
Young people get up, prepare breakfast and pack away tents etc.
Sweep Teams and 4 x 4 Response Teams to collect radios from HSCT.
Checkpoint Teams to collect radios from HSCT and Checkpoint kit from Checkpoint Manager.
Teams start from the overnight site.
Teams will start in a first come first served order - if you're up and ready early, you'll be out early!
Finished Teams will wait in the barn until their Leaders are back on site.
A snack will be provided!
The Wolds Challenge and The Fells Marathon are organised and run by Blacktoft Beacon District Scout Council.
Registered with the Scout Association: 016357. Registered Charity Number: 1148031
© Fells Marathon 2025.
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